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You awaken from a gentle shoulder shake.
Grandma: "Good morning sleepy head. It's time to get up and [[eat|Downstairs]]."
Grandma has been wonderfull to stay with since your older brother left. You're not sure why he left but you know he left when his wife died.<<if $progress==0>>\
After eating, your grandmother stops you.
"Hey sweetie, I am low on mushrooms. Could you run to Aowyn's place behind Seren's and grab me some more?"
<<set $progress to 1>>\
<<if $start==false>>\
<<if $quest_mushroom==false>>\
Grandma: "Were you able to get the mushrooms yet?"
<<linkreplace "(Not yet)">>
Grandma: "Well you better get going then. Remember, Aowyn's is behind Seren's."
You stop yourself before opening the door. You need to get grandma those mushrooms.
<<set $start to false>>\
<<set $home to true>>\
[[Head outside|Front Yard]]<<if $home==true>>\
You step off the porch.
<<set $home to false>>\
The sunlight is speckled across the yard in patches, breaking its way through the skylight cavern forest, it makes its way through the canopy and down to the yard.
In front of the house you can see the river with a small dock to the South. Grandma's garden is to the East and is split in two by the walking path that leads around a cliff wall into town.
Just west of the house along the cave wall you can see your special alcove.
[[Enter home.|Downstairs]]
[[Go to the Dock|Dock]].
[[Head toward the village.|Garden]]
[[Secret Base]]The dock is always nice and cool because sunlight can't quite reach the area. Very little plant life is over here but you can see just fine because of the bioluminescent algea that is in the river.
You watch as some fish swim past on their way downstream. Richter must not have collected fish today otherwise the nets wouldn't let any fish this far downstream.
[[Head back to the yard.|Front Yard]]Grandma's garden is luscious and filled with various vegetables, fruits and flowers. It has to be as it is one of the few locations to receive sunlight during the day and the vegetables and fruit provide for the village.
<<if $hastoys==true>>\
<<if $progress<6>>\
Your grandmother is tending the garden and stops you.
"Did you get the mushrooms yet?"
<<linkreplace "(Well...)">>\
You explain the situation and she understands.
"Okay. Since it's on your way back, can you swing by the Leonite farm and grab Garst's hammer and return it please? He would like it back."
[[(Okay)|Village Path]]\
<<set $progress to 6>>\
[[Head home|Front Yard]]
[[Continue towards the village|Village Path]]
<<if $hashammer==true>>\
[[Head home|Front Yard]]
[[Continue towards the village|Village Path]]
<</if>>\This base your brother built for you, is slightly hidden in an alcove along the cave wall between the house and river.
It is a simple elevated fort built from wood planks taken from the tree farms outside of the village. The floor is up a small ladder, wedged between the alcove walls. Draped over the entryway is your brother's shirt, acting as a makeshift door.
Inside, there is a small table, two chairs, and a chest where you keep some blankets. A shelf on the back wall holds some wooden animals that your brother whittled for you when he was here.
<<if $hastoys==false>>\
<<if $progress==5>>\
<<if $progress>3>>\
<<linkreplace "Grab a wooden animal.">>\
You hesitate for a moment, remembering the times you watched your brother create these toys for you.
You grab the bearimus for Kai because it does not have any long or sharp pieces to it that could hurt the kids. As you turn to leave you figure you might as well get one for Isra too and grab the phongtoad.
[[Leave.|Front Yard]]
<<set $hastoys to true>>\
You haven't entered since he left.
[[Leave.|Front Yard]]\
[[Leave.|Front Yard]]\
[[Leave.|Front Yard]]\
<</if>>\The path takes you past your brother's house. It has been getting used as a storage facility since he left. You're not even sure you could get into your old room at this point since the village has been stockpiling supplies.
You still help out at the farm he used to host because the Leonite stalks are used for many different things.
<<if $progress==6>>\
[[Head to your brother's house.|Brother's House]]
[[Head to your brother's house.|Brother's House]]
[[Go home.|Garden]]
[[Continue to the village.|Village Courtyard]]
<</if>>\The porch is littered with some empty crates and tools. You know that inside the door is just a bunch more of crates that are filled with long term supplies for village distribution.
[[Family Farm]]
[[Village Path]]
The Leonite field looks as good as ever. The tapering cone shaped stalks reach about two and a half meters off of the ground and The Leonite buds run more than half of that length including going down the side leaves.
The buds themselves are only about the size of a thumbnail but it only takes a handful to be combined with couple of things to make a variety of different things from bread and noodles to bricks and adhesive. The stalks can also be used to make multiple things such as fabric and rope.
<<if $progress==6>>\
You see the hammer leaning against a fence post at the farm entrance.
<<set $hashammer to true>>\
<<set $progress to 7>>\
[[Take hammer|Brother's House]]\
[[Go back.|Brother's House]]
<<if $progress<2>>\
The village courtyard is a simple gathering area between the majority of houses in the village. Near the center is a large tree with a picnic table where everyone can sit when we have gatherings. Most of the other foliage is limited to grass considering the hours of light in the cavern. The open spaces are used for various activities for the younger children and work spaces for the adults. Other than Richter's, Garst's and your brother's house, everyone leaves out their things because rain can't reach the houses.
Northwest of the table against the cliff wall is [[Richter's House]]. He is the "go to" man of the village and a bit of a goof. He keeps everything running and goes out into the northern forests around the cliff walls to gather or hunt for us.
Old man [[Garst|Garst's House]] lives to the Northeast of the Courtyard next to Richter.
Southwest of the picnic table is where [[Tyra and Terran's House]] is. Tyra makes and replaces all of the fabrics that the village may need.
Aunt [[Seren's House]] is Southeast of the picnic table and is on the way to Aowyn's place and the river.
<<if $progress>1>>\
Go Northeast to [[Richter's|Richter's House]].
Visit [[Garst|Garst's House]].
Visit [[Tyra|Tyra and Terran's House]].
Visit aunt [[Aunt Seren|Seren's House]].
<<if $progress<3>>\
Head to the [[Gate|Initial Gate]].
<<if $party_Richter==true>>\
Head to the [[Gate]].
[[Head home|Village Path]].Richter's house has a small farm of carrots on the West side and a small potato farm on the East side. His front porch is covered so he can put his tools, tanning rack, and other various work items on the porch when it rains.
<<if $hasbasket==false>>\
<<if $progress<4>>\
A table is in the yard with a basket and some tools on it but it doesn't look like Richter is here right now.
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
A table is in the yard with a basket and some tools on it but it doesn't look like Richter is here right now.
<<linkreplace "Grab the basket off of the table.">>\
[[You take the basket.|Village Courtyard]]\
<<set $hasbasket to true>>\
<<set $progress to 5>>\
<<if $progress>4>>\
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<</if>>\<<if $progress<2>>\
Even though her house is made of the same wood, Leonite bricks, and plaster as the rest of the homes, no other house compares to Aunt Seren's.
Brilliant and vibrant images of what the world outside of the caverns supposedly used to look like are on every wall. Behind the house there is a retaining wall to keep the house supported with stairs that lead down to the river.
<<if $progress>=3>>\
You better not go back to Aowyn's again without some mushrooms
[[Village Courtyard]]
[[Village Courtyard]]
[[Aowyn's Ingredient Hut]]
<</if>>\<<if $progress==8>>\
Richter and Garst are standing in the yard in conversation. As you approach they finish and Richter turns to you.
Richter: "I'm good to go if you are!"
<<set $party_Richter to true>>\
[[(Let's go)|Gate]]
<<elseif $progress>=4>>\
Richter is probably inside helping Garst.
You should probably [[get the basket and deliver the toys|Village Courtyard]] before you bother them.
Garst is currently sitting on his porch and gives you a slight smile. He looks like a fragile stick about to be snapped in the wind with his large overshirt, wide brimmed hat and open ended sandals. You know better though, because you have seen him grab the edge of the houses and throw himself on top of them with one arm to fix the roofing for people. He must be incredibly toned under that baggy shirt of his.
[[Village Courtyard]]
<</if>>\Tyra is sitting outside using her loom while the two little ones, Kai and Isra, are crawling around on the ground with each other.
<<if $hasvisited_initialgate==false>>\
Terran must be at the gate on watch.
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<<if $progress==6>>\
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<<if $progress<5>>\
<<if $progress<4>>\
<<if $hasvisited_gate==true>>\
Richter comes out of the house and talks to Tyra:
"So it should be pretty easy to add on to the west side of the house without worry from the river. I will just need to get the foundation stones set before putting up the frame."
Tyra sees you: "Hi <<print $name>>."
Richter: "Hey kiddo, what are you doing over here?"
<<linkreplace "(Grandma and Aowyn need mushrooms.)">>\
Richter: "I was just getting ready to head out... *looks around* ...Oh criminey gribblejits! I forgot my collection basket at the house.
Could you run over there and grab it for me? I still need to stop by Garst's on the way to the gate."
Kai starts crying.
Tyra: "Could you also find something else for Kai to play with? Isra broke the stick he was playing with and he's mad. Maybe one of your old wooden animals?"
<<linkreplace "Sure thing.">>\
<<set $quest_toys to true>>\
Richter: "Meet me at the gate when you are done."
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<<set $progress to 4>>\
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<<elseif $hastoys==true>>\
Tyra: "Thank you so much. The twins will love them."
<<linkreplace "Give the toys to the twins.">>\
The twins happily take the toys and start chewing on them and bashing them into the dirt. Good thing you picked smooth and hardy ones.
<<set $hastoys to false>>\
<<set $progress to 8>>\
[[Leave|Village Courtyard]].\
Go to the [[courtyard|Village Courtyard]].
<</if>>\Aowyn: "Hello dearie, what can I do for you today?"
<<if $quest_mushroom==false>>\
<<linkreplace "Ask for mushrooms">>\
Aowyn: "I'm sorry, I am supposed to be getting more from Richter today. Would you run to the gate and see if he is back from gathering them from the farms yet?"
<<set $quest_mushroom to true>>\
<<set $progress to 2>>\
Aowyn: "Did you find Richter yet?"
<<linkreplace "(Not yet)">>\
Aowyn: "Remember to check with Terran at the gate."
[[leave|Seren's House]] <<if $hasvisited_initialgate==false>>\
The main gate has a spiked wall on either side of it up to the cliff wall on the north side and the cavern wall on the southeast. It is the only exit to the village other than the river except we have no idea where the river goes because it goes underground at the cavern wall next to your home.
<<set $hasvisited_initialgate to true>>
Terran sits at the main gate in his wooden chair.
<<if $namecheck==false>>
"Hey squirt, Hows it goin?"
You know my name is <<textbox "$name" "Amos" "Gate">>.
(Type name and press enter.)
<</if>>\<<set $hasvisited_waterfall to true>>\
[[Gate]] You follow Richter outside of the gate into a fair sized opening. There is a large tree to the west side against the cliff wall. A little north of the tree there is a break in the cliff wall that heads west to the tree farm and the Western mushroom farm beyond that. To the north is a large alcove with the main mushroom farm inside. Close by to the East is a smaller mushroom farm.
Richter: "Alrighty, we won't be heading back until we get what we need. I would like you to get at least 10 mushrooms while we are out. I will be scaring off or killing any creatures that try to mess with us. If any "
[[Northern Mushroom Farm]]
[[Eastern Mushroom Farm]]
[[Forest Entrance]][[Split]] [[Split]] [[Split]]
[[Tree Farm]]
[[Brush Path]][[Northern Forest]]
[[Forest Entrance]] [[Northern Forest]]
[[Forest Entrance]] [[Western Mushroom Farms]]
[[Brush Path]]
[[Tree Farm]] [[South]]
[[Northern Forest]] [[Western Mushroom Farms]]
<<set $start to true>>
<<set $progress to 0>>
<<set $home to true>>
<<set $hasvisited_initialgate to false>>
<<set $hasvisited_gate to false>>
<<set $hasvisited_waterfall to false>>
<<set $namecheck to false>>
<<set $quest_toys to false>>
<<set $quest_mushroom to false>>
<<set $party_Richter to false>>
/*Inventory items*/
<<set $hasbasket to false>>
<<set $hastoys to false>>
<<set $mushroomcount to 0>>
<<set $hashammer to false>>\<<if $party_Richter==false>>\
Alright <<print $name>>, What can I do for you?
<<if $hasvisited_gate==false>>\
<<linkreplace "(Is Richter back yet?)">>\
Terran: "Back? Ha! He hasn't even left yet. He ended up helping some people out and hasn't gotten the chance to leave yet. I bet if you go help him out he will help you out."
<<linkreplace "(You could also remember my name...)">>\
"Haha, fair enough now get [[going|Village Courtyard]]".
<<set $hasvisited_gate to true>>\
<<if $progress<3>>\
<<set $progress to 3>>\
<<set $progress to 9>>\
Terran: "Taking <<print $name>> with you today? Are you sure that is a good idea?"
Richter: "Yea, they helped me out a LOT today and I could use the help to make up the time. Besides, their 13 now and I know they can do it."
<<if $party_Richter==false>>\
<</if>>\Created by Kiromitsu.
<<if $hasbasket==true>>Basket<</if>>
<<if $hashammer==true>>Hammer<</if>>
<<if $hastoys==true>>Toys<</if>>
<<if $quest_mushroom==true>>Mushrooms: <<print $mushroomcount>><</if>>
<<if $progress==1>>Go to Aowyn's.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==2>>Go to the gate.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==3>>Find Richter.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==4>>Get basket.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==5>>Get toys.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==6>>Retrieve Garst's hammer.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==7>>Drop off toys.<</if>>\
<<if $progress==8>>Return Garst's hammer.<</if>>\
/*Progress: <<print $progress>>*/\
<<if $hastoys==true>>Take toys to kiddos.<</if>>\Welcome to Project Veritas.
This is a linear story game that is a work in progress. The sidebar holds items and lets you know what your current objectives are. I welcome feedback and will be continuing this game as I can. What is shown now is a week 1 progress.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy!